Monday, December 15, 2008


I was up late so I did a post....
and it is one of the most "grand" of posts...
since it's our "grand" sons!!!

I'm won't find much of a post for tomorrow....I'm not feeling on top of the world. I started running a fever....and I'm gonna take a bit of a break so I can recoup. Maybe this is God's way of slowing me down because I've said for days I have so much to get done before Christmas. So....I'm gonna listen to Him....and try to feel better, sooner than later!!! Seems I do this every year...start way too many projects.....and every year I say next year I'm just gonna enjoy the season....okay, maybe next year I really will.
I'll be back as soon as I feel human again!!!
In His Love...and with mine!!!


  1. you need to take a break, you're getting too run down, you need to get to feeling better so that you can enjoy your Christmas!!
    slow down and rest.
    take a few days.....
    we love you and your blogs, but your health is more important.
    get some much needed rest debbie!!
    love you

  2. Being a stay at home wife, mother, daughter, and Nanna is more work than the rest of us want to think about. Take time for yourself. I don't want you to be sick, but as I well know sometimes this is the only way that I will give my agenda to God and let Him sort it out!
    Love you bunches,


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24