Tuesday, December 23, 2008


2 Corinthians 9:15 (NLT)
Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!

The KJV of this verse is:

"Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift."

What does that verse mean to you? When you read it, how does it make you feel? This is the verse of scripture that our pastor used Sunday morning for his message, and he talked about attending a birthday party...very interesting message.

But...I still wonder what you think and feel when you hear the words "unspeakable gift". According to the NLT, it is a gift too wonderful for words. But, what is this gift? When you read that verse of scripture, do you understand what the gift even is???? If you don't know what it means...or have read it, and often wondered what in the world Paul was talking about in this letter to the church at Corinth....the gift is JESUS!!!!! God....in all his glory....looked down on a world that He created, and saw those living at the time....and all of us who would arrive in the future....and realized that we needed a Savior. He loved us so very much that He couldn't let us have to pay for our own sins, which we could never do anyway. He loved us so much that He just could not stand to not provide us a way out...an escape...an escape from hell, to put it bluntly. He loved us so very much....that He gave us His very own Son....the best that He had to offer....a gift so great that there are no words to adequately describe Him.

As wonderful as the celebration of Christmas is....as exciting as it is to receive gifts from our family and friends....let's not forget the most wonderful gift we've ever received...the gift of JESUS!!

John 3:16 (NLT)
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Merry Christ-mas!!!

In His Love...and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. this picture reminds me of something I wanted SO badly for Christmas. I'm sure I mentioned to you, how I wanted a Nativity scene for my house. Well, I found a beautiful one at JC Penneys, it had a beautiful price, too, $259.00
    Needless to say, I didnt have that kind of money, as bad as I wanted it, I knew I could not spend that amount, I also never had that much xtra money. so the week before Christmas, I stopped by Penneys, again, just to look at it, I knew I still couldnt buy it, but wanted to just "look at it". Well, it was on sale for $129.00. I was so excited the price had came down, but still, didn't have that kind of money to spend. So I told Mom , I wanted that and I was gonna get it!! I thought surely, if no one had bought them by now, the week before Christmas, surely they wouldnt be buying one now. So I decided the day after Christmas, the big shopping day, I would try to get one, once they went on sale. So I dragged my butt out of bed at 4 a.m., was 2nd in line at Penneys and hoped and prayed "My Nativity" would be there, and guess what.......it was!!
    there were 3 of them, I ran over to where they were and got one, my moma got one and this little old lady got the other on. I had hoped and prayed I could get it and it all worked out. The best part is, I think I ended up paying $50 for it and it's marvelous, I love it so much!! it was meant for me to have it, God saw to it!!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24