Sunday, March 22, 2009

Special Prayer Requests

I realize it's Sunday night....and we usually share prayer requests on Thursday's....but I don't want to wait until Thursday to share these with you:

1. Ms. Norma
Ms. Norma had a biopsy on Friday and the results weren't good.
She will be going back to her doctor on Wednesday for a "plan of action".
Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

2. Ms. Belinda
Ms. Belinda will be having a biopsy on Thursday.
Please pray for negative results.

3. Mr. Jim
Mr. Jim is in the hospital.
He was put on antibiotics and the last report we got was that heart problems had been ruled out.
Please keep him and his wife, Angie, in your prayers.

4. Ms. Sonya
Ms. Sonya has been told that a place she had removed is melanoma. She goes tomorrow for results of some other biopsies. Please pray that these are negative for cancer, and that removal of the other place will only require removal of a small amount of tissue.

5. Mr. Lloyd
Please continue to pray for Mr. Lloyd and Ms. Bonnie.
He has a heart condition and continues to have episodes.

6. Ms. Dawn
Ms. Dawn had a skin cancer removed on Friday. Please pray for her speedy healing without too much pain and discomfort.

7. Mr. George
Mr. George is having cataract and glaucoma surgery Monday morning. Please keep him and Ms. Lillian in your prayers.

Please say a special prayer for each of these special people!!!

In His Love...and with mine!!!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24