Just wanted to share a few random things with you all on this rainy Sunday afternoon....
before I take my little nappy before church tonight!!!

The lady I used to work for bought Pappy and me two rhododendrons for our.....I think 13th, or 14th...wedding anniversary....but this is the first year that they've ever bloomed so pretty. They must have to get "old" and "established" before they bloom very well....which could be the case since we just celebrated anniversary #32!!!!I counted almost 40 blooms on this one. Isn't it gorgeous???And....yes, that's the gravel that we broke our backs shoveling...but it was sooooo worth it!!!

My brother-in-law and his wife....Pappy's baby brother.....always gets unique gifts for all the siblings for Christmas. Several years ago, we got this pretty bird candle holder....at least I think that's what it was supposed to hold in the top. Well....I didn't take very good care of mine, as I used it as a bird feeder, and left it outside... :( ....not a very good idea. I decided that it was in need of some TLC...so I took out the rusty piece at the top and gave the entire thing a coat of paint....placed some Spanish moss in the top...included a bird's nest, a couple of eggs...and some feathers from a feather duster I have...and....VOILA....it looks much, much better.And, it has a new home...in the house...out of the weather
And...last but not least.....I started this blanket when Jess was pregnant with baby #2...but, when we found out that he was a he, I decided it had too much pink in it for a baby boy. There's a precious lady in our church who is expecting a baby girl. I was asked to help with "outreach" in our Sunday school class several years ago, and this young lady and her husband were on the list I was given. I started out sending cards to somebody I didn't even know...but when I did get to know her, I discovered just how sweet and kind and precious she is!!! So...this is her gift for her brand-new baby girl....due just about any time!!! I crocheted and added the pink "roses" to the corner, just to make it even more girlie!!! So...that's that about that!!!
Hope all of you are enjoying this lazy Sunday afternoon as much as I am!!!
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!
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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24