Saturday, May 30, 2009

Vacation Bible School

God Morning, Everybody!!!

Can you believe it's already time for VBS?

I know the kids at our church are all excited...and all the teachers are getting ready with their Bible stories and their crafts and their t-shirts, and, and, and......

VBS is a HUGE deal at


It's one of our BIGGEST OUTREACH events of the year!!!

This evening will be the official kick-off for our 2009 VBS...from 5:00 - 8:00 PM....there will be all kinds of activities....water slides, dunking booth....lots of things involving water and getting soaked....just what most kids love....well, I know our grandsons do!!!

Our first night of VBS will be tomorrow evening, Sunday, May 31st from 6:30 - 9:00 PM....and will go each evening thru Thursday evening, June 4th. Family night, will be Sunday, June 7th, at 6:30 P.M. Please plan to attend with your children and meet their teachers....let them show you what they've learned as they celebrate this night with the other kids their age!!!

There will be lots of prizes for those who attend...but, MUST be present to WIN!!!

Here are just a few of the exciting things that happen at our VBS:

The Kangaroo Express (that's our "train" that rides kids...and kids at heart...around the parking lot each evening)

Music....learning the words and the motions to fun songs

Crafts....getting to make all kinds of neat things to take home with you

Food....please come hungry....there will be food every single night....and DESSERTS...every single night....



FuN, fUN, fUN for EvERyBOdY

We have classes for all ages....

from the itty-bitty babies we keep in our church nursery
(that would be me and some other ladies spoiling your little ones) a class for the adults....we leave nobody out!!!

What a fun time for all....but....the main thing....getting to learn about JESUS!!!!
(if so...leave me a comment....send me an e-mail....or, click on the picture of our church down on the right-hand side of my blog and find contact info on our church website)

Please plan to attend this very exciting week and get filled up on

FoOd.....FuN.....but most of all

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24