Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Steel Magnolia Award

My blogging friend, Weezer @ Weezer's Haven gave me a sweet award......

Now....what I'm supposed to do is tell which of the women in Steel Magnolias I most relate with.  I loved the movie....and I think I most relate to Sally Field's character, M'Lynn Eatenton....simply because, if I remember correctly....she always just tried too hard.  She was always wanting to "fix" "fix" situations that were out of her control....and for everything to be just "perfect"....which....I've found out the hard way....ain't the way life is!!!

I'm also supposed to pass the award onto other ladies who I think deserve'm just gonna say it's for any of you who consistently read my blog and leave feel free to grab the award and post it on your own blog!!!

Thanks again, WEEZER!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. You are one awesome woman. I love this blog. I read it often and comment so can I take it?
    Congratulations on getting this award. I love that movie.

  2. Congratulations on the award!

    Cute idea for an award too!

    I think I am most like Julia Roberts character.

    Hvae a wonderful evening!



Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24