Friday, September 10, 2010

I would like to thank the academy.....

How could I leave out little whimsical owls?!?!?

I've received a few blog awards lately....and I  forgot to thank those who awarded them to me....if you're reading this and you sent me one....please know that I'm very sorry if I failed to acknowledge you and the award.  
Please take into consideration....that I'm O-L-D!!!

Here's one that I received today from sweet Charmae' @ Fully Alive.  

I'm supposed to list 10 things that I no particular let's see if I can come up with 10....

1) Spending time with Pappy and our GRAND-sons....oh, how they make my heart sing!!!
3) Sweaters
4) Contemporary Christian Music
5) Walking for exercise
6) Crafting
7) Working outside....I love to push mow!!!
8) Pocketbooks
9) Zaxby's salads
10) Sewing
11) BLOGGING.....for GOD!!!

Sorry....I had to add a Number Eleven!!!

I'm also supposed to pass it on to 10 fellow bloggers....but I don't want to leave anybody you're a frequent commenter on my blog....feel  free to grab the award and claim it as your own!!!

I also received these 2 awards....and I'm so sorry that I can't remember who  gave them to me....if you're reading this...and it was you....please, please, please....leave me a comment so I can give you credit!!!
And....remember....please take pity on an O-L-D person!!!
You'll understand someday!!!
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. ´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´


  2. I just had to comment on this because I see that you like Zaxby's salads. I also enjoy their salads. The Blue salad is one of my favorites. Congratulations on your awards.

  3. New Follower from Friendly Friday!

  4. Wow...Congratulations!

    Btw, can I invite you in my meme called Saturday Bloopers...Just post anything funny each saturday may it be in form of photo, video or stories of experiences. just check it out in my blog! Hope to see you there!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24