Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lining up my thoughts.....

.....with HIS!!!

Okay....I'm fixin' to get a bit serious....then, we'll go back to being on the lighter side with my next post!!!

This is something that I've had on my heart and mind for quite some time....and I've tried to write about it....but the Holy Spirit wasn't ready for me to share it until He had prepared my mind and my heart to use the words that He wanted....not what Deb wanted!!!
And....if you're wondering why I'm sharing it at all....well....I know that all of us sometimes have "people problems" I want you to know that you're not alone.  
My sincere HOPE  is that this comes across with love and compassion.

So with that being said....let's forge ahead!!!

As I write this blog, I lay so much of myself out there for y'all to know....sometimes things that are quite personal.  The things that I share are in an attempt to reach others who might suffer the same trials and troubles. For most of you, that's no big deal because you don't really know don't have a personal relationship with me....but for some who read this....well, the personal things can be used to either help me to grow in areas where I need improving....or, depending on the person....the things I share can be used against me....or to their advantage.  And, as is the case with so many of us....we think that nobody will find out....

Proverbs 10:9 
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
   but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.

Often, my way of handling entirely wrong....because I try to do it my way and not HIS way.  

Isaiah 55:8
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
I truly try to be a good friend to others.  I look back over my life at the friendships that I've had and how much those people have meant to me....and still do.  When I find a friend....I often give so much of myself....faults and all....that I become very vulnerable....and sometimes I can be very naive.

I don't feel that God wants me to share every little detail of what's been happening.  All of this did play a huge part in why I left Facebook....something that I really didn't want to do....and I truly do miss because of my true friends on there!!!
I want to leave you with these precious verses from God's Word.....that each of us (including myself) need to take to heart.....

Romans 12:17-21 (NLT)
 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.  
(see....God knew it wouldn't be easy.....or even possible get along with everybody!)
Dear friends, never take revenge. 
Leave that to the righteous anger of God. 
For the scriptures say,
   “I will take revenge;
      I will pay them back,”
      says the Lord.
   “If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
      If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.
   In doing this, you will heap
      burning coals of shame on their heads.”
  Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. my Momma used to say....
"kill them with kindness"!!!
(see....I had to throw a little humor in!!!)

And....I have to share this with you....if you've been reading Jeremiah 29:11 for very long, you know the story behind why I love cardinals so very much.  
As I typed this....the  brightest red cardinal landed at the bird feeder outside my window.
Thank you, Lord....I love You, too!!!
(that's what I say every time I see one!!!)

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. Good morning lovely! I love your post. I actually have Romans 12:17 on a pnote on my wall- I have verses all over my walls throughout my house, actually. I use this verse w/my boys a's hard not to want to "get even" with someone who has wronged us. I try to teach my boys to "turn the other cheek" and we talk a lot about killing w/kindness (or heaping coals). But it's truly hard. I am the lone believer in my extended family. It's not an easy road...and in some ways I've grown further from my family not closer. I need to learn not to judge them...that is not my job.....but it is still very much a struggle to continue to open yourself up to someone you hurts you. Thanx for this post and these verses. Have a blessed day.

  2. When I read this, I thought for a minute you had somehow gotten inside my brain. You sound so much like me, and my mom used to say the same thing about "kill them with kindness." I do believe that works, or at least it makes me feel like I've done my part.
    I could write a book about believing in and trusting people. Thank goodness there is the ONE and ONLY that we can always trust!

  3. You are the second person I've read today about lining up my thoughts with Christ's. Maybe I need to do some searching. Friends are a very special thing to have. They are also few and far between for me.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24