Saturday, November 19, 2011

Now I know....

.....why I was feeling so "zonked". 

Maybe the last year finally caught up with me....and culminated into one gigantic bug....called the stomach flu.  I started feeling bad Thursday afternoon, but didn't really think it was anything more than just being  tired.  I woke up around midnight and just didn't feel "right".  I was feeling little "jerks" over my entire body.  By 12:30....even with a gown, housecoat and the electric blanket on "9"....I was freezing and shaking all over.  I woke Pappy up, and love his heart, he prayed over me (I wonder how bad it would have gotten if he hadn't prayed!!!) Then, the nausea hit....then, that other little problem that goes along with it.  Needless to say, I've been down for the count.  I spent the entire day yesterday either on the couch, or in bed.  Today, I'm as weak as a newborn kitten!!  But....I'm seeing light at the end of this tunnel....and I did get a lot of much needed rest....just not quite what I had in mind, though!!!

I do have a prayer request.  Please pray that neither Pappy, nor my Mom, get this virus.  We went to see Mom Thursday evening to pick up her trash....and I hugged her bye.  There is no way, with her other health problems, that she can afford to get the tummy flu!!!

Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;
   save me and I will be saved,
   for you are the one I praise. 

Thanks, Sweet Readers, for your prayers!!!

In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. Sorry you were sick. I am so glad you are feeling better now.

  2. Will pray right now. Glad you are on the mend...

  3. Lifting you all in prayer.

    Take Care - God Bless

  4. Hate those stomach 'bugs'...glad your feeling better and will certainly pray for your family to stay well.

  5. Hope you are feeling better by now. Whenever you visit overseas or feel your stomach getting sick, take charcoal capsules. They neutralise the toxins and poisons.When you feel better stop taking them as they also neutralise the goodness of food. Drink water as able...keep your body balanced. Love Crystal xxxx


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24