Wednesday, June 27, 2012

If you don't break away....'ll break apart!!!

I remember that saying, or something similar.....being said by precious man of God several years ago.  In other words, he was trying to tell his congregation that every now and then we all need a break from the everyday doldrums of life!!!  So yesterday....Pappy and I got up and took off on an unplanned day trip.  We didn't go far, but oh, what a sweet day we had full of relaxation.  Even though there were still phone calls to be made and appointments to be set up....we had a wonderful time....simply because we were together, enjoying God's creation....and a beautiful day He gave us!!!  

Caution....picture overload!!!

Gatlinburg is getting ready for their midnight 4th of July parade.
There were lots of flags lining the streets!!
 Sorry this one is blurry, but I took it out the car window from a long distance!!!
 An old cabin at the beginning of the Roaring Fork Nature Trail. 
 Looking ahead!!!
  See that black spot in the middle of this picture?
It's a black bear!  
There were two of them laying up in the cool woods!!!
I had actually prayed for God to let us see a bear!!!
We took our time, stopping several times.  I tried to make it a point to notice things and to dismiss the world from my mind.  I loved this old log completely  covered in moss!!!
 Psalm 42:1
As the deer longs for streams of water,
    so I long for you, O God.

  Moss covered rocks....along with poison that I kept away from since I've already been thru a bout of that stuff this summer!!!
 Don't know what these red flowers any of you know?
  The Mountain Laurel was in full bloom!!!
 Psalm 23:2
He lets me rest in green meadows; 
he leads me beside peaceful streams.

 Robbing bee hives!!!
I took this pic 'cause Pappy liked this old truck!!!  
 Betcha can't guess why I took this one!!!

 Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for my brother and my Mom.

Hope you have a great Wednesday, Sweet Readers!!!

In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

I'm linking to Good Morning Girls,
Women in the Word Wednesdays!


  1. I love all your pics today! So glad that you got a little time to yourself and with your man. Yes, we all need some unplanned, just do what we want to, time! Thanks for the reminder today Debbie about (things don't have to be planned) to be good!!!! Love you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Debbie, from what I can see in the picture the pink flower looks like what my mother called Indian paint brush.

  3. What a beautiful place. Love it. Those little trips are so nice.

  4. The pictures are wonderful, I feel like I was on the trip with you!! So happy to hear y'all took a day to be together and enjoy God's creation. I hope you were comforted and refreshed!!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24