.....just stay at home today and rest.
Your head hurts....you didn't sleep well....you've got a lot going on.
You could just stay home and read your Bible and devotionals and that would be enough for today.
I've told y'all before that I want to be as open and honest as I can be.
So....yesterday, those were some of the thoughts that went thru my mind before SONday school. They were totally and completely from Satan. I did have a headache and I didn't sleep well....but, I didn't allow Satan to convince me to stay home. We got up and got dressed and went to our SONday school class. When we got to the sanctuary, our friends, Mr. Edd and Ms. Kathy sat with us after they came down from choir and our pastor asked Mr. Edd to give a quick report about their trip. He told how many eyeglasses were distributed and prescriptions filled and patients seen....but the most awesome of all the numbers was that there were ONE HUNDRED FOUR people who asked Jesus into their hearts!!
Praise Your Holy Name, Lord!!!
Then....when our pastor started to bring the message, he told us that God had changed his mind about what he originally thought he would talk about. If you know me very well....then, you'll know that if I'm really into what the messenger is saying, I'll find myself leaning forward sort of on the edge of my seat, like I'm trying to grasp every single word out of their mouth. That's what happened yesterday. The message was about The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) and it was just a continuation of something that had happened to us on Friday.
Yes....I'm learning that the "don't go, just stay at home today" voice in my head on SONday morning is just Satan trying to keep me from hearing something intended just for me!!!
2 Corinthians 2:11
.....so that Satan will not outsmart us.
For we are familiar with his evil schemes.

As I type this, I'm still as full of joy as I was when I left that church service!!!
Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!
In HIS Most Precious Love....and with mine, too!!!

Hi Deb,
ReplyDeleteJust saying hi and hope you are doing well. I am thinking of you (and up at this hour when I should be in bed).
"You are my friends if you do what I command you," Jesus :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you made that choice, Deb. (As a pastor's wife and a fellow believer in Jesus Christ, I so wish that many others would as well!)
Hope to hear you woke this morning refreshed and well, body AND spirit!
ReplyDeleteAmen Ms. Debbie. I felt the same way yesterday I just made up my mind I was going to. I having health problems again with my thyroid counts are low and low sugar counts. I am exhausted been to the doctor we are working this all out.
I just about crawled to church yesterday, and I worshiped with my heart and soul. Satan cannot keep me from my Savior. There are times I have to remind Satan that I belong to Jesus Christ! Have a beautiful week, my friend!
ReplyDeleteAmen. I've been having stomach and back issues for the past few weeks and have been using it as an excuse to stray from my usual routine. This week I decided that I'm not going to let it. I needed to hear this this morning. God is good! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI can usually depend on Satan being handy whenever something great is on it's way...he's sort of my 'heads up' guy...lol
ReplyDeleteI also like the KJV of these scriptures:
16 ¶Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some adoubted.
18 And aJesus came and spake unto them, saying, All bpower is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 ¶Go ye therefore, and ateach all bnations, cbaptizing them in the name of the dFather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 aTeaching them to bobserve all things whatsoever I have ccommanded you: and, lo, I am dwith you alway, even unto the eend of the world. Amen.
That devil is a real pain! That little twirp is always popping up.Kind of like a fly pestering you while you are enjoying God's beauty from the front porch on a warm sunny day.
ReplyDeleteWe as Christian's have a great fly swatter! I always tell that devil to get under my shoe and then stomp my foot really hard. And I laugh because that little booger has no place in my life.
Have a blessed day!
Satan get behind me, in Jesus' name!
Satan may have been whispering in your ear to stay home but the Holy Spirit was speaking to your heart to go! WooHoo!