's everybody doing with the loss of an hour's sleep?
It's gonna be so worth it to have longer days and more SONshine!!!
The last few weeks have been so dark and dreary in this neck of the woods.
I'm learning something about myself, and it's not getting any better, the older I get....
....I don't do winter!!!
I can so see why people go to Florida for the winter.
I've gotta have me some Sonshine, or Deb is not a happy camper!!!
A couple of days this past week, I was able to get out and walk with my buddy and friend, Ms. Evelyn. Since the weather is getting warmer and days longer, my hope is that we can encourage each other to do that even more in the weeks ahead.
Here are a few things that have helped to make my days brighter and occupy my time the last few weeks.....
I absolutely love it when I get pics of sweet little ones wearing things I've crocheted. Some precious Momma's sent me these pics this past week.....

Baby Cohen - our across the street neighbor.
His Momma saw this hat I posted on Facebook and paid me a visit to try it on him.
He is sooooo cute and laughed out loud while here....
....totally cheered me up!!!

Precious newborn baby Elliott - our great nephew - in his sock monkey hat.....
...and his owlie hat!!!
I can't wait to get my hands on this little cutie pie!!!

Miss Aubrey, Elliott's baby sister and our great niece.
She loves monkeys...and the color yellow!!! These kiddos live in Florida, so we don't get to see them "in person" very often.
My $2.50 after CHRISTmas purchase of this.....
....FINALLY turned into this.....
I didn't think it was gonna ever bloom!!!
Pappy bought me a "new" phone. He had wanted me to have one for a long time, but to put it very bluntly, they are just too expensive!!! We have StraightTalk service and there was a reconditioned Samsung Precedent on their site for....thirty dollars!!!
Ain't she stylin' in her purple cover?!?
Is there any other color?!?
Last fall I bought a place mat at our local Dollar General Store and FINALLY made it into a pillow.....
That's one of the most simple and frugal ways to make a pillow. Just take a seam ripper and take out enough of the seam to be able to insert Fiberfill, stuff it, then sew it back up.
I always do mine on the bottom so it won't be noticed!!!!
Isn't it so cute?
And, it matches the afghan I crocheted.
They're both at home on my "devotional chair"!!!
Some hats I made for a lady at our church who is expecting her third baby girl!!
And....I've got a start on a new wreath....but it's taking longer than I thought because I find I have to think and re-think things these days!!!
Here's a sneak peak....I'll share the finished product and the how to's when she's all done....
Sometimes I feel like I'm the laziest person in the world and feel such conviction about that very thing. After doing this post, I realize that maybe I'm not nearly as bad as Satan tries to convince me I am!!!
How 'bout you?
Whatcha been doin' to help chase away the winter blues?
In HIS Most Precious L♥ve....and with mine, too!!!
Looks like you have been a busy lady. Those little hats are so cute and so are those precious models!!