Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Visits With Mary.....

this number with an odd area code comes up on my phone Saturday afternoon.
I've been known to just not answer when I don't recognize the number.....
but I went ahead and swiped my phone and said "hello".

To my complete surprise, amazement, astonishment.....
I can't think of another word to use.....
the lady on the other end said.....
"Is this Deb?".....
Deb said "yes".....
and she said.....

Oh, how happy that call made my heart!

Ms. Mary and I have been blogging friends for many years.
  I never thought I would ever get to actually talk to her.....
"in person"!

She's such a sweet lady.....
talented, funny.....
but most precious of all....

full of the love of Jesus!!

PLEASE pay her a visit and tell her hello and that Deb sent you by!

Visits With Mary
(just click on the picture to visit Ms. Mary)

Don't you just love when God sends totally unexpected blessings like this?
Last week was filled to the brim with blessings from sisters in Christ and this one from Ms. Mary just topped it off!

And, you had to see this coming, right?

Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

HOPE everybody has a terrific Tuesday!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. How awesome. I enjoy her blog.

  2. That was one awesome phone call It is going to be a precious memory for years to come.! Hope you had a very happy day!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24