Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.
Psalm 62:8 (NKJV)
Today is Thursday....and you know what that means....the day for prayer requests and praises. goes:
1. Grandson #1...Big Brother...that his little head will continue to heal and the cut won't leave a visible scar. A God thing concerning his accident...if you ask him who hurt his head...he says, "Doc" least he blames the doctor instead of his Nana...thank you, Lord!!!
2. I received a call from my dear sister-in-law...Pappy's sister, Betty...requesting prayer. She has some heart health problems and her meds aren't agreeing with her. Please pray for God to give her peace about her medical condition....and the rest of us, too. Also, please pray that God will be with her doctor that he will know the best way to treat her and the best meds to put her on. She is very precious to all of us and we are very concerned about her!!!
3. Another brother-in-law and
sister-in-law I heard from today...our family is still grieving the loss of Pappy's Mom. This week seems to have been extra hard on each of a different way. Please continue to pray for our family during this sad time.
4. Jess and her hubby for some major decisions they will be facing in the near exciting, but stressful, time for them!!!
5. Ms. Janis - she's had some minor health problems this past week...pray for her to feel much better soon and that her meds work!!!
6. My prayer partner - please pray that her work load on her job will lessen and she won't be under so much stress.
7. Ms. Valina - She is attending a new, larger church (and Pappy and I know how difficult that can be to change churches). Please pray for her as she gets more involved that she will meet more people and feel at home. She is a bit like me in that she doesn't "mingle" well!!! Also, her Mom needs prayers that she will continue to grow in her walk with the Lord. And, lastly, Ms. Valina needs prayer about going back to school to enter into the EMT program to eventually become a paramedic...a skill she can use on the mission field. Ms. Valina has made a couple of mission trips to Africa....please pray for her as she continues to listen and obey the Lord about what He wants her to do for Him!!!!
8. Pappy's Aunt Mildred - she was in a car accident earlier in the week. Pray for her healing and also for her family!!! I always feel the need to ask prayer for the family, too. Sometimes the one hurt, or sick, gets well taken care of, but the stress is so hard on the rest of the family!!!
9. Ms. Irene - she is in so much pain. She fell and tore the rotator cuff in her shoulder, plus has lots of pain from arthritis. Also, please pray for her daughter-in-law (Pappy's sister). She is responsible for most of Ms. Irene's care, and she already has lots on her plate!!!
10. Please pray for all the children going back to school...and the parents...and teachers...and bus drivers...just anyone involved in the school system. They truly need our prayers. I received an e-mail from a dear friend of mine requesting prayer for this same are Ms. Joyce's own much better than mine.....
"I would like help in praying for all of our Sevier Co. kids who will be starting back to school. Some will be from broken homes with no one to care if homework gets done or cares how they look when they go out the door. Maybe they won't get a hug all day....pray for godly teachers who might be able to fill in the blank spaces. My heart just aches for them."
11. The mother of one of Pappy's co-workers. She is having health problems and she and her son both are in need of prayer.
12. Ms. Teresa - I have requested prayer for her concerning some surgery she had. She has had previous surgeries and didn't heal so well. She has a new and looks like much better surgeon this time and he is well pleased with her progress...YEAH!!! Please pray that she continues to heal and doesn't have to go thru this ever again!!!
13. Ms. Marenda's Mom - She is a diabetic and is having problems getting it regulated....also please be with her doctor and give him compassion and understanding (something I think we all can use!!!)
The following is a list of prayer requests that we heard at church tonight. Please pray for each of these people individually. I don't know the exact problem each of them are having...but God knows. Just call each out by name and ask God to give them peace and healing, if it is His will.
Ms. Barney - Ms. Barney has to have her heart shocked again. I know she has to be scared, and so are her family. Remember all of them in your prayers!
Ms. Norma - please pray that the doctors will find what is hindering her breathing and take the necessary steps to help her.
William Tom England (Tommy) - he was in a terrible car accident and is in a coma. Please pray for his healing, and also for his family. I understand that he is married with an 11 year old son.
William Shirley Catlett - Mr. Catlett had brain surgery early Sunday morning, and is doing so well that he will probably be coming home tomorrow. Pray for his healing and also for strength for his family.
Jack Stoffle - I did not hear what problem Mr. Stoffle is having...but God knows!!!
Note that I've added a link to "Bible Trivia" over on the right hand side of my blog...this is a very interesting web-site where you answer questions about the Bible. It is multiple choice, and you are given a choice of 4 answers to choose from. Each time you log on, you get a different set of questions.
Thanks, Christie, for sending me the link!!!
In His love...and with mine!!!
thanks Deb... i hope we can get together this coming week.
ReplyDeleteThank you for including me...a heavy work load seems so trival when compared to Tommy, Shirley, and even Janis. I complain when I shouldn't. Tom Hodge (known in Kodak as Richard Hodge)of Schrader Trucking in Jefferson City has a saying "We are pleasingly blessed with too much work." I think that I need to adopt that saying!
ReplyDeleteLove you bunches,
you are so precious to do this!!
ReplyDeletelove you and thank you for adding me. i know we sure need it right now! :)