Saturday, June 1, 2024

{ Friday Foto Friends }

 I downloaded this pic from my phone and was going to come back and edit it on the desktop....

yesterday!!!'s my new little friend. He/she likes to sit in the window or on the back of the porch swing, if it's raining. Sage staring at him through the window doesn't phase him one bit. He's very determined to get into that little feeder and chow down on some sunflower seeds.

HOPE everybody is having a great Saturday!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

{ On the porch }

 I think in the last couple of weeks I've only missed one morning of my front porch sitting. One of my favorite things is listening to the birds. They're waking up and welcoming the day with what I think of as praise. I think of my Daddy... he loved the birds! He especially came to mind yesterday when I heard a mourning dove... he really liked doves. If you love bird watching and listening, you might want to download the Merlin app. It's absolutely free and all you have to do is hit the sound identify button and it'll pick up and list the birds it hears. It's so neat! Here are a few I heard this morning....

Hope everybody has a great SONday!