Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christ-mas in our hearts

He who has no Christ-mas in his heart will never find Christ-mas under a tree.

This little saying was at the end of an e-mail that I received from a friend.

Sometime last week, I talked about how we can't truly celebrate Christ-mas unless we have Jesus in our hearts. It has always been very difficult for me to understand how people who don't know our precious Lord as the Savior of their life can truly celebrate Christ-mas. I hear people gripe and complain about all they have to do to get ready for Christ-mas (sorry to say this includes me)......people practically run over each other in the store this time of year....trying to find the perfect gift for that special someone. They take the perfect gift home and wrap it in the perfect paper and put the best bow on the package, then they place it under the tree hoping that it will make the one they bought it for happy.

But....what about our gift to the Lord? Do we always try to give our very best to Him....or does He sometimes get what's left over...maybe after we're just too exhausted to take one more that when we remember to stop and pick up our Bible???? I was talking to a cashier at a local dollar store last weekend and told him that every day should be Christ-mas in the heart of a Christian!!!

I'm reminded of this little poem by Christina G. Rosetti:
"What can I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
If I were a wise man, I would do my part;
Yet what can I give Him -
I'll give Him my heart!!!

Many of us will be meeting with our families today and tomorrow. Take the time, to just steal away by yourself.....and say a little prayer of thankfulness for what the day truly means...thank God for sending His precious Son to be our Savior....remember....Christ is what makes it Christ-mas!!!

Merry Christ-mas!!!

In His Love...and with mine!!!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24