Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Born Again....

I had errands to run today so I was in the car a lot....
and that's where I listen to music the most!!
I heard this song for the first time....I really like the group, Third Day. Pappy and I went to see them several years ago when they were at Smokies Stadium...along with Jeremy Camp....before he became so popular
(I didn't even remember that he was there...
Pappy had to remind me!!!)
But....listen to the young lady singing this song with Mac Powell....her name is Susie Armentor....and I believe we'll be hearing more and more from her.
She has an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G voice!!!
Hope you enjoy this as much as I have....every time I've listened to it this afternoon. I've also added it to my PlayList!!!
(remember...turn the Playlist off before listening to this!!!)

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

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Proverbs 16:24