Friday, May 1, 2009

Yummy for the tummy!!!

May Day, May Day, May Day!!!
Happy May Day to all of you!!!

It's hard to believe that four months have already gone by. I know I say this a lot, but boy does time ever fly. Summer will be here before we know it, and along with that comes mowing and weeding and gardening...and sore, achy backs...and legs...and....let's just say places I don't think have ever gotten sore before!! ha! ha!

Let's forget about all that work for a minute....and think about FOOD!!!

Let's celebrate the first day of May with a yummy cake....CHOCOLATE of course!!! This recipe came from my friend, Janis. Her recipes remind me of how my Mamaw describes how you make things....a pinch of this....a dash of that!!!

She bakes a lot for her friends at work....reckon I could get a job there???

Cherry Upside Down Chocolate Cake

Prepare a Duncan Heinz Devils Food cake mix according to directions.

In a 13 x 9 pan, melt 1/2 stick of butter and sprinkle in a scoop of sugar (1/4 cup?). Place in oven to melt the butter and the sugar. Stir well when melted. Pour one (1) can of Comstock Cherry Pie Filling into the baking pan, gently stirring into the butter and sugar mixture. Pour the cake batter over that. Bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately 38 minutes. Take out of oven and let cool for about 10 minutes. Carefully turn out onto a platter that will hold it. While the topping is still hot, sprinkle chocolate chips over the top!!!

She shared this recipe with me and our friend Missy on Monday (and I lost it and had to re-request it). Missy said that she sometimes makes this recipe using apple pie filling and a spice cake mix.

Both sound....yummy, yummy, yummy....for the tummy!!!

Hope each of you have a "Fantastic Friday"!!!

In His Most Precious Love...and with mine!!!


  1. Ok, will try this again! Thank you Deb for always being so faithful to visit my blog and comment. It is always a delight to come home from work, check my blog and find your love tracks! The cake sounds yummy and the flower is a Surprise Lily.
    The mowing season has already started for me. I need to mow now but cannot due to the rain.
    Once again thank you for your friendliness and always being so kind to me.
    God Bless you my Sister in Christ and new found friend.

  2. Deb, "all that I can do " your comment, is exactly what God has planned and purposed for you and all that I can do is exactly what God has planned and purposed for me! There is no scale to measure except Jesus Christ. As the Good Shepherd leads us "individually" to the in and out pastures we discover one awesome truth ~ We all are precious in his sight and there is not one that his love is greater for than the other for he died for all. It is "us" in our carnal understanding that we measure. I love your postings and every time I go there I find such peace, who is without need of peace? It is like visiting a good friend and I am refreshed by your postings.....we never know just how and to what degree God uses us his vessels to minister to others....there is no greater witness than one that has experienced His Truth....without experience it would merely be theory and without Life....
    So every time I visit your blog I find new life that Christ has purposed for me through friend.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24