Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

 The Trinity

I definitely don't claim to understand everything about how God can be God....and Jesus....and the Holy Spirit all in One.  One example that was given to me once was how a man can be a son....a father....and a grandfather....yet, he's one person.  I really liked that simple definition.

Since we're in the middle of the CHRIST-mas season.....I find myself thinking not only about all the miraculous things that surrounded His birth....but most importantly the reason why He was born....to save the world from their sins!!!

He's our Mediator....
....our "middle man"....
....our "go between"....

I Timothy 2:5 (NLT)
For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity----
the man Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 7:25 (NLT)
 Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.

The Holy Spirit

When we don't know how to pray....or even what to pray for....The Holy Spirit does it for us....

Romans 8:26-27 (NLT)
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. 
For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.  And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. 
Romans 3:30 (NLT)
There is only one God, and He makes people right with himself only by faith....

AMEN....and AMEN!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing this with us.


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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24