Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Passion Week - Holy!!!


Each day this week, I've based my post on a word that can be used to describe Passion Week that begins with the letter "H".  
My first one was Hosanna and the second one HOPE.....and today is Holy!!!

For several years, I've done a post each day during Passion/Holy Week that represents what Jesus did each day, leading up to his arrest, mock trial, crucifixion, burial....
....and most importantly....
....His resurrection!!! 

Today, I'm going to share the link to each of these posts that make this week one of the most HOLY in the life of a CHRISTian.....

SONday - Palm Sunday
Tuesday - A Fig Tree Dies
Wednesday - Betrayal

I also want to include "The Final Seven".
These are the seven statements that Jesus said while hanging on the cross, bleeding and dying and suffering for my sins....and yours!

My hope is that each of you have a wonderful Easter celebrating
what He did for us!!!

In HIS Most Precious Lve....and with mine, too!!!



  1. He is so much for us. Its good to stop and reflect on all of that. Its so sad, and yet it then becomes so glad.. Happy Resurrection Day xx

  2. So glad that you stopped by my blog and I was directed to yours! Thanks for sharing these words. This truly is a Holy Week and a week of reflection.
    God Bless!

  3. Beautiful post!

    Prayers still in place for you!

  4. Happy Easter my friend! Hugs and blessings, Cindy


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24