Thursday, July 2, 2015

Life is short.....

Edited to add:
And then this showed up in my Instagram feed this morning......
because God is really trying to get my attention about that thing called ATTITUDE!!!

image credit to Little Bit Funky

 I spent way too many years not truly enjoying my life, and I know it had to do with how I was "raised up".  
I think what's brought about the biggest change in my attitude is the blessing of our GRAND-kiddos.  
I want them to see Nannie as happy and fun.....
not an old fuddy-duddy!!!

HOPE everybody has a Terrific Thursday!!!

Breathing in Grace,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ms. Aritha. HOPE you have a great weekend!

  2. I want our grandkiddos to see me as fun, as well, Debbie. Joy...the kind that comes from deep within...when shared bonds us with others....whether they be happy or hurting. Thank you for this special post, my friend.

    1. I know I'm not always fun....but I do feel they've had a HUGE influence on my attitude!!! Glad you were able to glean something from it, Ms. Dianna.

  3. I like this! I grew up in a very negative environment and it's hard to overcome sometimes. We do need to enjoy today and look for what is great and wonderful about our life. Thanks for reminding me of that.

    1. I'm so glad you understand what I was trying to convey, Ms. Melanie. And, yes, it's so hard to overcome because so much of it becomes a part of who we are. That was one thing I sincerely tried to be different about when raising our daughter. Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. I can relate!! It seems my mind is always telling me "one day when..... then I can stop and smell the roses." Let's enjoy life today!

    1. Oh, I totally understand this. "Let's enjoy life today!"....YES!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ms. Karen. Happy 4th of July weekend to you!

  6. You shared so many wonderful quotes and there was truth to each one. It's so easy to forget what's really important when you're focused on paying bills and scratching things off of your to do list. Thanks for the reminder that we shouldn't forget to enjoy 'living' as well.

    Happy 4th of July... :)

    1. It gets easier with age, Ms. Dee....but I'm still a work in progress!!! ;-) Happy 4th to you, too!

  7. Life is short, for sure, and time does tend to fly by. Your grands will have so many fun memories of you to tuck away in their hearts!!

    1. Oh, you've said it, Ms. Terri.....time does fly. I can't believe our oldest GRAND will be 9 in a few weeks and the baby will be 2 before that. WOW! I'm hoping that our GRAND's do remember their Nannie with fondness. I sure do love all those little rascals! ;-)

  8. That one about smiling while you still have teeth made me laugh! Life is short, and the older you get the more you realize how true that statement is. Laughing is fun and I try to do it's great for the attitude. Great post Deb, it's hard for me to imagine that you would ever be a fuddy duddy. ((hugs))

    1. I liked that one, too!!! ;-) I totally agree....the older we get, the easier it does get to just not sweat the small stuff. I love to laugh with our precious grands....and with Pappy!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24