Edited to add:
I get a daily scripture verse via text at 8:30 each morning.
Guess what today's is?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,
but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

I get a daily scripture verse via text at 8:30 each morning.
Guess what today's is?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity,
but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

I borrowed this picture from my newest blogging friend, Ms. Linda, a fellow Tennessean.
I'm really enjoying getting to know her better.
(please visit her here)
Ms. Linda loves kitty cats and nearly always shares a picture of one.
(and, her blog headers are just awesome)
I couldn't quit watching this little scene because those are the cutest puppies ever.....
and oh, my the patience of that sweet cat.
I left Ms. Linda a message telling her I believe there's a lesson to be learned there, too.
That cat is me.....
and those puppies represent the world pulling and tugging at me from all directions.
Now, unlike that cat, I'm usually fighting and clawing and fussing and complaining about the distractions.
But, I have the power.....
well, not on my own.....
but through the power of the Holy Spirit, I can fight off those worldly influences. Way too often, though, I allow them to overtake my mind and heart and emotions. Sometimes, I fail to remember just how much POWER I really do have when I allow God to fight those battles for me, to turn it ALL over to Him, so He can in turn give me PEACE.
How about you?
Do you always remember just how much power you have to not allow the "wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11) overtake you? Are you always wearing your armor? (I think I've allowed mine to get corroded and rusty in spots.) Or, are you like that kitty cat in the scene and you're able to have no fear of those outside influences?
I'm striving to be just like that cat.
Laid back.....
resting in God.....
and continually.....
breathing in His Grace!
Oh how your post came at a perfect time...I was just thinking this very thing...especially after something my mother inlaw said on Saturday that has me just wanting to hit something...and not to mention, peoples short tempers around here (at home) and so on...how other peoples attitudes affect us as well...just having trouble staying out of the devils way....sigh....thanks Deb...Blessings to you on this Monday morning.
ReplyDeleteI too love Linda and her cats. What a great lesson to learn from this photo! Sometimes I feel pulled in all directions - all equally meaningful and good things but it's hard to focus on what is really important. Your "fellow Tennessean" comment makes me look forward to the day when I can say that as well! Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a thoughtful post! You always spell things out with such discerning ease, and it always hits home for me. Linda and I have been blogging friends for years and years, and I have met her in person. She is a wonderful lady and I'm glad you two have connected!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so kind with your nice words. I am so happy we connected and have things in common. God knows just who to put in our lives doesnt He? I try to be positive when I post and most of the time I am, but like both of us, the 'rust' pops through now and then. That is when I go to Him, and need Him most. Praying God sends a special blessing to you today my friend.
ReplyDeleteGreat post...perfectly illustrated, Ms. Deb! I do allow myself to be pulled in too many directions at times and certain spots do get rusty. Thank you for this post.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to say that I sometimes, okay, maybe a lot, forget to put on my armor until I feel Satan's attack coming on. Now why do I do that? I know better...A good post today Deb, a wonderful reminder to get fully dressed every morning. I just met Linda too and really enjoy her blog. Her cat tips always make me smile. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Love Ya