Wednesday, August 24, 2016

{ Wednesday's Word - Timing }

Bible Quotes On Gods Timing

As many of you know, Pappy had a work injury on February 19th of this year.  Because of the doctor's work restrictions, his employer wouldn't allow him to come back to work.  It's his employer's policy to use annual and sick leave to supplement the percentage that worker's comp pays, so all of his leave was completely wiped out. Because of that, we were going to have to start paying for my insurance out of pocket beginning September 1st.  Since he gets paid every 2 weeks, the plan was to take a check to his employer last Friday to pay for the insurance because he wouldn't get paid again until after the beginning of September.  Last Thursday afternoon, my cell phone rang and it showed my husband's employer and the lady asked for him.  I thought they were calling to see if he wanted his work comp check mailed since he didn't have to actually come in to sign for anything because he wasn't getting an actual check from his work.  Instead, they were telling him to show up at 7:00 Friday morning because they had found him a position that he could do. Yes, it was very sudden, and yes I did question why they couldn't have found him something long before they did and yes I did wonder if worker's comp hadn't stepped in and told them to find him a position since it had been exactly 6 months to the day.....
February 19, 2016 - August 19, 2016

Bible Quotes On Gods Timing

But, what I realized most that this was all in God's timing.  The very day we were going to pay for my insurance, God provided something so very unexpected.....
a job.
A job that will now pay for my insurance instead of us paying out of pocket.  He will also start accumulating leave again.  God did this when He led Pappy to this employer in the first place.  He had been out of work EXACTLY one year when God provided a job for him.  Oh, what a struggle that year was on so many levels, not just financially.

Bible Quotes On Gods Timing

I'm sharing all of this to say this.....

TRUST God and HIS timing.

During this 6 months I've tried to figure and plan and check into and make calls which I look back on and see were all for naught.  I wasn't completely giving it all to God, I was trying to work things out and figure out how to "make it work".  Then, God in all His wisdom once again shows up "at just the right time".

Bible Quotes On Gods Timing

Was I surprised?
Yes, and no, if that makes sense.
I KNOW God can do and handle any and all situations, and that doesn't surprise me.  But, it never ceases to amaze me at HIS timing, which is exciting and wonderful and just like Him!!!

Ain't God good?
Oh, yes He is!!!

HOPE sharing this helps somebody else who is waiting on the Lord. Take it from somebody who tries to get in there and fix things and "make" them work in the way she thinks is best.....

Give it to God and let Him do the work!


  1. Yes ma'am, God is good. Wonderful news, sweet friend....keeping you in prayer.

  2. Great post and just in time, I'm just like you, I think I have to fix things! God's timing is always right.

  3. Deb, I am so excited to hear this news. Made my old heart do an extra little patter this morning. Thank you for sharing with us. Oh yes...we serve a GREAT and MIGHTY God that hears the prayers of His children! His timing is ALWAYS perfect. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Great news Deb! God sure is good and He's always on time!! Your blessing has made me feel blessed. Does that make any sense? I think it's because your walk encourages my walk. Love you my friend.

  5. Oh wow! I love hearing stories like this. It's like the McKamey song "Right on Time". What a blessing. Through my many, many struggles since Allen passed away last November, then my job situation and then moving to a smaller place, I tried so hard to be patient. It wasn't always easy. I tried to help God knowing He never needed my help. My valuable lesson was instead of spinning MY wheels to help Him with MY plan, I finally gave up and spent more time talking to him and asking for his help and guidance. And what do you know HE had a plan that was way better than anything I could have come up with by myself. This was a very amazing uplifting post. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Happy for you both! Very happy.

  7. Wonderful news!! Patience is sometimes so hard to find, but when we can there is usually a reward. Praise God!!

  8. So wonderful! I know a lot about God's perfect timing...He's shown me over and over again that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are the best why was I worried? God has His children covered...we just have to trust Him. Thank you for these reminders...I often forget what I should have learned by now. This is good.

  9. Oh my, Deb, your post just shouts to me! First of all, I am so happy that your hubby can go back to work and all the benefits be returned to him. God's timing is perfect. He doesn't always answer when we want but He's never late. This speaks to me. Last Sunday in church, a lady spoke something that she felt the Lord was wanting someone to hear. It was about trusting God in our situations and not worrying about the details. He has got the details - just trust. I immediately took that to heart regarding Mandy and all week, I've whispered a prayer and thanked God that He is working out the details in this situation. We do fret and worry at times and try to make things happen when God is there working it out for us to our good.


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24