Are you like me and usually buy your bananas green? It seems they get more yellow by the time you get them home and go bad faster if you buy them ripe. And, I don't like a soggy banana! Yesterday, we were at a local Food City and ran into a precious couple we go to church with. After we had talked for a bit and were parting I said I had to go get my "nanners". The couple had bananas in their buggy, too, and the man said something that made us laugh.....
that his wife wouldn't let him buy green bananas because he might not live long enough to eat them.
We all laughed, but it got me to thinking later on.
Not just about the comment, but about who said it.
This lady has a lot of health problems. She's been in and out of the hospital with heart issues, is on meds for A-fib and right now is wearing a back brace because she's in a lot of pain. But.....
she's one of the most upbeat, optimistic, full of joy ladies you'd ever hope to meet. Her comment about green bananas is something I'm pretty sure I'm going to think about every single time I buy bananas.
Enjoy life.
Live for today.
Laugh a little (or a lot)!
And, don't buy the green bananas!

It's amazing how much one little word can enter our mind and stay there forever!! Yep, you'll always remember that comment when you even think about banana's....ahhhh....and life goes on! We're having a beautiful, sunshiny morning. I've got the back door open and I'm enjoying the sun shining in with a cool breeze, got my coffee and my is good. Hope you're day is happy and blessed. ((hugs)) What a friend we have in Jesus!!
ReplyDeleteI buy green bananas too, Ms. Deb! It is amazing how quickly even they ripen once I get them home. Now I will think about that couple every time I buy bananas, too! :-) I bought red grapes today. :-)
ReplyDeleteI buy mine a little green. Love this thought you shared. So very true.
ReplyDeleteWell, I always buy them green too and we never seem to finish them before at least one gets too ripe to eat. I'm not a banana person and will only eat them at "just the right time". Now I'll also be thinking about what your friend said!!
ReplyDeleteThere you are! Your little ole blog disappeared again off the face of Earth (wink and giggling). With brown/ripe/mushy 'nanners, you can make 'nanner bread, just saying. Have a beautiful day friend.
ReplyDeleteI dont like green bananas at all, but now I have But now I have something to think about, while waiting for them to ripen.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog so much! It really made me laugh & I needed to laugh. My cousin died last night from colon cancer. He's the third person in our family who died from colon cancer. I REALLY believe in regular colonoscopies. I get one every three years, & three years ago, I had 5 pre-cancerous polyps removed. Praise the Lord for pre-ventive medical procedures that can save lives! They've improved colonoscopies so much that they aren't bad at all. Your blog about the bananas reminded me of my Mom. She wouldn't buy green bananas for that very reason, & she wouldn't buy a lot of groceries at one time, because she said they might not live to eat them. She lived to be 92 and my sweet dad is 99 1/2 years old! So, buy whatever you want and enjoy it is my motto. God bless!
ReplyDeleteI buy green bananas and end up making banana nut bread almost every week when they don't get eaten up fast enough! Can't stand a soft banana either...or when I can smell it in the kitchen! Life is short, we need to eat our bananas fast! LOL
ReplyDeleteI like to buy them fresh and bright yellow with no marks on them. When they begin to go dark, I throw them in the freezer to use in smoothies later or bake with them. I'm not crazy about bananas. And now I bet I will think about that when I shop for bananas.
ReplyDeleteI don't buy them green but I like them when they just turn yellow. Don't like them if there are any brown spots on them. My husband likes them WITH the brown spots, so it works out great for us. : )
ReplyDeleteNever bought green bananas :-)
ReplyDeleteReally interesting story! I buy bananas when they had just turned yellow. Green bananas,oh NO.Bananas have fiber and calcium. They are filling and healthy.
ReplyDeleteOh I love this story Deb. So funny and had me laughing out loud because Marty's mama used to say the same thing. She also used to say that she was NOT waiting on something special to use her good stuff. She was using her good stuff when she felt like it. And she did indeed make the most out of life. I miss her! Love you Deb. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI buy both green and yellow bananas. My family eats them so fast that the ripe ones get eaten right away, and the green ones are ready when the ripe ones have been eaten, lol. But that is a funny statement from your friend, humor certainly helps one get through difficult situations, indeed! Hugs to you today :)