"What have you not forgiven yourself for?"
"Don't be so hard on yourself."
This question and statement were made in kindness to me by two sweet sisters in Christ, both members of our SONday school class. They were made months apart but each of these ladies sensed something in me that needed pointing out. I'm often able to do the same for other women (only due to God's wisdom and discernment) but often think I can cover up my own emotions so nobody will know the struggle I'm going through. I'm so grateful for Christian women who stand beside each other and hold each other up and accountable.
So, Ladies.....
(and any sweet gentlemen who are reading this)
Don't let Satan convince you of being unworthy or less than or that you are to blame because you can't fix whatever the problem might be or how can God really love you and forgive you for......
fill in the blank
I'm so grateful that God sends me sweet Christian friends who really care and take the time to listen to God's prompting and reach out in love to a sister in need.

Oh, Deb, thank you for this today. Just thank you.
ReplyDeleteWe are definitely sisters in Christ. I feel the same way you do at times.....'why cant I solve this problem, is it my fault, etc.' Thank you for this post.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is just how the body of Christ is to work... we are to lift up, encourage and strengthen each other! We definitely need each other! Hugs to you today dear friend, always thankful for the encouraging words you write :)
ReplyDeleteSo.....have you forgiven yourself yet?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes! SO thankful for those in the body of Christ who speak truth to us ♥
Do we ever need to lift up one another Deb. I am so grateful for the women that God has placed in my life to lift me up from time to time. Sometimes it's not a moment too soon either. A lot of times they have no clue that God has just used them to be such a wonderful encourager to me. But oh how I praise Him that HE is the LIFTER of my head. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteThat is the truth! And that Scripture is one I pray almost every single day. So very thankful for my godly friends who encourage me and I love to encourage them.
ReplyDeleteSo thankful and very blessed by all my sisters-in-Christ. Their love and encouragement has touched my heart many times. You are so dear and so special...I think God must think so too. He's is always talking to your heart and you are always listening!
ReplyDeleteYes, thankful for christians that encourage and support me. So many of my blogger friends have been a huge support and I am so blessed to be able to call you sisters in Christ,