Just a few random thoughts running through my mind, so watch out.....
If you visit me this time of year, I'll probably invite you to sit on the porch. My house is a wreck because I cannot stay indoors in this kind of weather long enough to clean. There's ALWAYS something for me to do outside!
Purple truly is my favorite color!

Sometimes I think I'd like to have a pet of my own, but in the meantime, I'll just love on our granddog, Maggie!
My Mom has dementia, bad enough to require a lot more time and attention. I know people probably mean well, but I'm finding it really difficult to deal with the "opinions" of those who aren't in my shoes.
"Why don't you" and "If I were you".....
"Why don't you" and "If I were you".....
sometimes I just can't deal with it when I'm already struggling. I've been praying for wisdom and discernment about this situation for quite some time and I'm doing the best that I know how. Prayers would be appreciated for my Mom and for me.
On a brighter note.....
I planted a new peony yesterday (my Mamaw called them pineys). She loved them. How fitting that I'd finally get it planted on her anniversary in heaven.
I tripped over a heater cord that was pulled too taut over a week ago and I'm not sure what I did to my ankle, but it's bruised and swollen. This is no good for a person who wants to be on her feet most of the day working in the dirt! I never claimed to be graceful, Y'all!
Am I the only one who loves it when the rows of green beans you've planted finally break through the ground. It just makes my ♥ happy!
I went to a local greenhouse with Jess and the kiddos yesterday and she bought me a snake plant and the sweetest little succulent. Now am I the only one who always called them Mother-in-law's tongue? I had bought Jess one a few weeks ago because she wanted one and she bought me this one, but I divided it with her!
I'm so happy to be retired, but.....
with it comes a whole new set of responsibilities that I don't think I signed up for.
I'm pretty sure that's called "life"!
So that's a little tidbit of what's running through my mind this morning.
HOPE everybody who takes the time to read this rambling has a Terrific Tuesday!

I'm pretty sure that's called "life"!
So that's a little tidbit of what's running through my mind this morning.
HOPE everybody who takes the time to read this rambling has a Terrific Tuesday!

Bless your heart!
ReplyDeleteI know it doesn't help to say, "I can identify with so many of your random thoughts."
I DO hear. And I care. ♥
Prayers going your way.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your thoughts.
My mil has dementia, major decisions will have to be made sooner than later....love,love this post.Thank you for being honest.smiles
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear your Mom is getting worse, I know it's a difficult journey for both of you. Oh how I wish I could work in the yard I, I miss having flower beds in the yard but my pot plants on the porch make me happy. I've been enjoying some porch-sitting, it's so nice to be outside. Hope you're having a Terrific Tuesday!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Tuesday Debbie. Loved all your ramblings. I too always called my snake plants "mother-in-law's tongue. That's one of the few plants I have as I'm lazy when it comes to take care of plants and this one needs very little care. Have a day of blessings my friend. I pray your ankle heals soon.
ReplyDeleteIt is a very hard to thing to watch a parents mind deteriorate. My my mom had Alzheimer's and in August it will be a year since she's been happy in heaven.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that you are dealing with your mom's dementia. No one knows unless they have gone through it, so do what you feel in your heart that you need to do to help her. This is a busy post, showing a busy life right now. Take care of YOU!! Love & hugs.
ReplyDeletePraying that God continues to give you the strength you need for each new day. I know what dealing with loved ones with dementia is like, and it's no fun, although sometimes they do or say some funny things...I always tried to see the humorous side of things to keep from being too "down" about it. Not always easy, I know. Praying God will give you answers you need and the love and patience you need in dealing with these changes in your life. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers your way. Would love to sit on your porch with you anytime. Blessings to you today..hope your ankle heals rapidly. sounds like something I'd do. They call me "grace" with a snicker here...
ReplyDeleteI've always called it MIL's tongue but haven't known many people who have heard it! Agree prayers are better than advice. Heard a pastor say years ago that when people don't know what to say, they open their mouth and prove it! Blessings . . .
ReplyDeleteGirl, we ain't spring chickens any more are we? Ha! Deb, I was getting out of the recliner and somehow got my foot caught up in a little blanket I had on my lap and went tumbling face first. All I could say was, Lord, please don't let me break my hip cause I will lay here and die before Marty gets home! LOL! I took a hard hit on my side and side of my hip as I hit the wall but praise the Lord nothing was broke. But....when your friend Mr. Marty came home and I tell him the story and he says, "You are just going to have be more careful Cindy". WELL, I don't think I need to repeat the rest of that conversation! LOL! I have always called those plants Motherinlaw's Tongue. I didn't know they had another name. And yes, we too cannot wait to see something sprout from the ground that we have planted. I spotted two sprouts of squash yesterday and done the happy dance. Hoping you have a good day friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy