Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Joy of Denim and Lace

I've told you all already about a sweet lady I met thru blogging for Jesus!!!
Here's what she wrote about me on her blog,
in her "Appreciation Corner".
Thank you, Joybug!!!
And, thank you, dear precious Savior, for sending wonderful people into my life to bless me!!!
"My new blogging friend Deb: Remember how when you went to school the first time and it seemed everyone had a friend but you? Finally one little friend makes her way over to you and welcomes you to her little world. What a wonderful feeling that was and is: Deb has done this for me in the 'world of blogging'. She was the first to acknowledge me and make me feel a part of the blogging world. I appreciate her so much. She is so faithful to view my postings and comment on most of them. We are tickled that her mother's first name and my first name is the same! Isn't God wonderful to bring two people together with such things as this? It is the little simple things in life that makes life sooo sweet. Deb, I appreciate you and love and I do mean love going to your blog. One day I will have something besides dial up and I will be able to listen to your music! You are a gift from God ~ A true Treasure ~
Thank you for your friendship, kindness and for showing Jesus to me."
Proverbs 27:9 (NLT)
The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.
Ain't God good?!?!?!
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. You have a new wonderful!!! God is blessing you thru many avenues. Thank you for being so faithful to your blog.
    Love you bunches!

  2. Thank you Deb! I'm blushing ~ It is the Jesus in you that brought out the Jesus in me that bonded us as friends ~ Ain't God Good ~


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24