Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer's Last Hurrah

Even though "fall" doesn't officially begin until September 22nd....summer is unofficially over after Labor Day. We had our boys with us for a while this weekend....and I want to share some of the pics we took outdoors, since the weather was beautiful!!!
As I took these pics off the camera and looked thru heart just filled up with so much love.  I look at some of the pics that others post on their blog and I think about how cute they are....but they mean so much more to the one who posts them....just like these pics do to me. got me to thinking....that must be how our precious Lord feels when He looks down at us.  As much as I absolutely adore our  GRAND-sons....I have to correct them because of their little tempers, or things they do wrong....but when I look at them, that's not what I see....I see how perfect they are.  
Isn't that what God sees when He looks at me.....not Deb with all her faults and imperfections....but His child....whom He loves unconditionally?!?!?

Romans 12:10 (NLT)
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

Happy Labor Day, Sweet Readers!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. beautiful pictures of your boys!! thanks for sharing.. and the verse you quoted. That blessed my heart this morning!

  2. Oh!! Debbie treasure these moments to the fullest. I just love and adore ever day I have with our boys.

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun with them. I like the pic of you on the swing. Were you at Optimist Park? Missed you yesterday. Love ya :)

  4. These just made me smile! Being a grandma is one of God's many gifts to us!

    I swing with my grandson too, but not with him in my lap! LOL

    Have a wonderful holiday!


  5. Look at those precious guys in your life! The little ones and the big one too :)

    Great photos and thoughts in this post!

  6. Thanks for stopping by! My little "google connect" thingee is down towards the bottom of the page on the sidebar. You can also click on the "follow" up at the top (blogger bar. Looks like you are enjoying a SWEET time with the boys!
    Happy Labor Day

  7. My problem is...I would mess up taking a picture of a concrete block...honestly. I do love viewing God's creation as captured through the camera of others and you have done that quite well.
    I came across your blog through another blog I follow and have signed up as a follower. When you’re free, please do visit me and let me know what you think of my blog and leave a comment. If you like, do follow as well. I am always open to great new people and interesting websites. Look forward to hearing from you.
    And yes I'm glad our Heavenly Father sees us through the blood of His precious Son as...Holy...blameless...and without fault. Colossians 1:22

  8. Deb, It's SO true what you said about us grandmothers and our grandchildren :) I think I know EXACTLY how you feel. After ours left last night, Gary and I just sat and reviewed the precious things they said and did...(we were too tired to do anything else)!

    And, OH how true about our status is our Heavenly Father's eyes! I "rest me" in that thought today.

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday weekend. JDaniel would love to ride in one of the gators.

  10. following you :) love your bloggy! very inspirational!!


  11. following you :) loveing your inspirational blog!



Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24