Sunday, February 3, 2013

SONday Morning Song - Changed!!!

I recently heard this song on K-Love and knew immediately that it was Rascal Flatts singing. 
The radio station where I used to work stayed on a country music station and Rascal Flatts was about the only group that I really enjoyed hearing.  

In HIS Most Precious Lve....and with mine, too!!!



  1. Hi Mate, I had never heard of this singer before and listen right through. The song an words is wonderful and so tender.... and it applies to all of us. We are all sinners, until we turn around. Thank you. xx

  2. Thank you and have a nice day! I love the little hearts on your blog :-) I will catch them and put them in a jar :-)

  3. This is first time I have heard this song, as I do not listen to radio much anymore since I no longer drive often. I loved the lyrics of this song....Have a blessed day my friend

  4. My first time to hear this song, I enjoyed it. Love your falling hearts!!!! {{hugs}}


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24