Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Not Odd, It's God

Today is going to be a continuance from yesterday.... goes!!!

I used to teach a Sunday School class and I had a sign hanging on the podium with this phrase that I came up with...
"It's not odd, it's God"!!

I don't believe in coincidences...or luck...I believe in blessings...and something happening being a God-thing!!
You know what I mean...those things where only God could have been a part of....I couldn't have even began to plan it that way.

I talked a bit yesterday about how sermons, messages, and Sunday school lessons should be taken and applied to our own lives.
Well...guess what????
Our Sunday school lessons have been out of Proverbs and our lesson yesterday was about how we should...basicially...keep our mouths shut if we have nothing nice to careful how we approach others to correct them...seems like everything I heard was a confirmation of some things I've written about lately...even that statement in itself was made by our Sunday school teacher....if we'll just wait, God will confirm our thoughts and actions. (Psalm 46:10...Be still and know that I am God) We had a dear, precious, sweet lady who has been coming to our class with her daughter...and she said some things that confirmed what I used to tell Jess about how our children aren't our own, but given to us by God to raise up in Him.
Then...our pastor brought a message on homosexuality...and other sins...but, the basis of his sermon was what the Bible has to say about homosexuality.
I will have to honestly say...that in my heart...that is one thing that I have never been able to understand..or tolerate. But, our pastor made the comment that the person involved in homosexuality is still a precious person made by God, and we're to love him, or her. The statement "hate the sin, love the sinner", surely applies here. This message was for me because I know of a situation where I haven't been able to feel what I should for those involved. top it all if I hadn't felt convicted enough...the evening message was about the prodigal son, but his message was based on the older brother and his reaction to his brother returning home....the older brother's negativity and his pridefulness.
So...I had to ask God to forgive me of several things that I have been so guilty of....talking when I should be quiet and listen...being negative instead of looking on the positive side of things...always thinking "what about me" instead of thinking of others.

While writing this, this scripture came to mind....I looked it up to make sure I quoted it correctly:
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I sure was rebuked and corrected.....I truly applied the message to myself....God was speaking to me thru our Sunday school teacher and pastor...I think He put the things I had to say before I even went to church on my heart and in my mind for a reason!!!

So...It's Not Odd, It's God...that I wrote what I did yesterday morning before church and then the lessons and messages were meant for me. I am a firm believer that God prepares us for things to of these days I'm going to realize that!!!

OH, what a Mighty God we serve!!!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24