Our Daily Chocolate.
I can't even remember how I found Ms. Anna Sophia's blog....but hers is one of the blogs I just have to check out every time I get a message that she's posted something new!!!
I think it might have to do with her blog title....and if you know me very well....you know that anything containing "chocolate" is gonna always get my attention!!! Well....Ms. Anna Sophia gave me an award.
In her blog post she said
"because I adore her heart and attitude".
What better compliment could anyone receive?!?!
And, I was truly humbled by this award....a little blessing from God, thru Ms. Anna!!!
So, here's what I'm supposed to do:
1. Put the logo on my blog, or post.
2. Nominate other blogs that show attitude, or gratitude.
3. Link my nominees within my post.
4. Let the nominees know that they have received their award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom I received the award.
So....here are my nominees for this award:
#1 - Jessica Leigh
(because she's such a wonderful Christian daughter and Mom - and she's mine!!!)
#2 - Cathy at Cobblestone Farms
(because I feel like God led me to her blog - and she's a fellow sister in Christ...and she's soooo talented...and I want one of everything in her shop!!!!)
#3 - Karen Ehman
(because she inspires me to take better care of myself and that God will help us thru everything...even weight loss...and, even for an old lady like me!!!)
I was supposed to come up with more than this.....but, these are the ones God truly laid upon my heart to share this little blessing with!!!
In His Love...and with mine!!
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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24