Saturday, February 27, 2010

Love Has Come

If you visit Jeremiah 29:11 very often....and you've gotten to know know that
Gospel music....and, especially contemporary Christian music....are my favorites.  I very rarely listen to secular music any more!
Several years ago....when CCM first became popular....I didn't care for it much....I don't know what changed....well, yeah, I I grew closer to the Lord....the words to CCM just started speaking more and more to my heart and soul.
Now....before you take issue with that statement....I'm definitely not saying that if you don't care for CCM that you aren't  close to God. 
What I am that when it wasn't my fave....that I WASN'T living in the Lord's will....even though I was a Christian!!! like that....isn't really LIVING....because your life is MISERABLE....and it's self-inflicted misery!!!
(possibly more on the above subject another time).....
.....I heard this song driving home by myself the other night....and sang, sang, sang!!!
Pappy and I heard it again today....and I loved it even more!!
Be sure and turn my PlayList off above before listening....but then....turn up your speakers....and....
And...just so y'all know....the reason my PlayList is at the top of my for those of you who would prefer to read in can turn it off upon arrival to Jeremiah 29:11!!!
Blessings to you!!!
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24