Monday, April 25, 2011

Mary, Mary, Mary

I find it so fascinating that there were three Mary's standing at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified....Mary, the mother of Jesus....Mary the wife of Cleophas (she was Mary's sister and Jesus' aunt)....and Mary Magdalene. I can't even begin to imagine the grief they were feeling, especially since they didn't know the "whole story".  You see, we have a great advantage today because we have the Bible to read and study and explain to us what the outcome of the crucifixion was....but these women, at the time that they were kneeling at the foot of Jesus' cross, watching him die....really could not grasp the concept of what was taking place.  How could this man who was beaten beyond recognition....His skin hanging in shreds on His could it be that He would come back to life after they heard Him say "it is finished" before He bowed His head in death?
I also find it so wonderful that the first people to know that Jesus had risen....and that He first appeared to after His resurrection....were women!!! Even though women were considered "second class citizens" in that period of time....and even sometimes today, too....Jesus doesn't see us that way!!!

Last night, we went to a community "passion play".  It was a story told thru the eyes of John the beloved....and it brought the entire Easter story to life.  At the end of the service, an altar call was given....and a young man went forward and bowed down and a group of men gathered around him to pray with him.  Without the shed blood of Jesus....this young man wouldn't have had the opportunity to ask God to forgive him of his sins.

Yes....we had an amazing Easter Sunday!!!

HOPE all of you did, too....and that the joy and excitement that we all felt yesterday....will linger on in our hearts and minds for many days to come!!!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


  1. Hi, thank you for this post, yes I had a wonderful Easter too. Women do not speak much in our church, but one did on Sunday and she told of a heartfelt story of her personal walk with Jesus, it was very uplifting. I agree or feel, we are still sometimes treated as second class citizens, but I don't think that is the way Jesus sees us either. In families too, sometimes it is women, who are the strong ones, sometimes they have to be. Hugs Nita.

  2. i do love our Easter celebrations! thanks for sharing! a blessed Easter season!
    peggy aplSEEDS


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24