Wednesday, January 11, 2017

{ Wednesday's Word - Pause }


  1. 1.
    a temporary stop in action or speech.
    synonyms:stopcessationbreakhaltinterruptionchecklullrespitebreathing space, discontinuation, hiatusgapinterlude
  1. 1.
    interrupt action or speech briefly.
    synonyms:stopceasehaltdiscontinue, break off, take a break

Image may contain: 1 person, text


  1. I so love your wintry header, my lovely Debbie, and if you're going to have a break, I'll be here waiting for you to come back, be sure, Dearie !

    Hope your week is off to a good start,
    I'm sending blessings of joy on your coming days,
    be a sweetie !

    Xx Dany

  2. this word and here lately I have had to do just that Deb. With words. I've had to stop and pause and rethink what I was going to say. Not because I forgot what I wanted to say...but because I remembered what I was going to say.....and I needed to pause before saying! Praise the Lord that I did too or I would have said something I would have regretted. Just keeping it real this morning sister. God knew I needed to see this post first thing this morning. Thanks for sharing like you do. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Oh oh...another "your talking to me", wink...have a beautiful day friend.

  4. Confession: I seem to never pause long enough before I take action. Something I really need to pray about and work on! Hope your day is happy and blessed.

  5. A good word! I am learning, as I get older, to pause and calm myself before reacting in anger.

  6. I absolutely LOVE that graphic, Debbie! I need that put up somewhere in our home! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. My goodness, Mrs Deb! Our posts today are once again along the same theme! God must be working on some similar things in us right now. :)

  8. The "pause that refreshes"...this was that...thank you! I am trying to remember to pause before speaking, before acting, before jumping to conclusions...etc. This is a good reminder. Thank you.

  9. Excellent advice!! Not always the easiest thing to do, but excellent advice!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24