Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bear each other's burdens.....

Galatians 6:2 (NLT)
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

Each week it seems like there are more and more people in need of prayer. At church Pastor Dallas spoke about how so many are living in fear, even Christians who are so very fearful of the economy and what might happen. He went on to say that most of what we worry about never even happens.
I've learned....okay, I'm learning....that I have to give it all to God...I have to give my fears, whatever they may be, little or God. He knows what they are anyway...all He wants is for me to acknowledge that I can't handle them alone....and He takes over from there!!!

So...that being said....let's get to the prayer requests, because as the scripture says above...we are to share each other's burdens...and the main way we can do that is to pray for each other.

1. Ms. Marenda - she is still struggling with a possible adoption of more children. She and her husband have such big hearts and want to do what is God's will. Please pray that God will give her peace and show here exactly what He wants them to do. Also, please pray for her sister and brother-in-law, as they work for a company that is having a lot of layoffs.

2. Ms. Geraldine - she is home from the hospital and the surgery showed that there is no cancer. Praise the Lord!!!

3. Ms. Beatrice - she will be hearing from some test results either today, or tomorrow. Please pray that the tests are negative. Also, please keep her family in your prayers.

4. Cathy Rahman - Ms. Cathy has suffered from cancer for some time. She has a broken bone in her neck caused by the pressure of the cancer. Please keep this precious lady and her husband, Mikail, in your prayers.

5. Mr. Vermillion - he is still recovering from a serious surgery. Please keep him in your prayers that he will heal quickly and be back to church soon.

6. Ms. Maria - she is recovering from brain surgery, and has a slow recovery ahead of her. Please pray for this young mother and her family. God is faithful to hear and answer our prayers and He will for this lady, too!!

7. Virginia Jacobs - this precious lady passed away. Please keep her family and friends in your prayers.

8. Rosemary Bentley - I requested prayer for this lady last week, because she was told she had thyroid cancer. She went for another opinion and the biopsy showed no cancer. She said that she would finally be able to get a good night's sleep.
Praise the Lord!!!

9. Please pray for God to keep all those safe who will be traveling during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Our list is shorter this week than usual...I hope that can be considered a good thing!!! Please continue to be much in prayer for all those we've mentioned over the past few months.

In His Love...and with mine!!!


  1. It's good to see a shorter list this week! (and there were also a couple of praises in there)
    it's hard to believe that we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving this time next week. We have so much to be thankful for!!
    love ya

  2. It's good to see a shorter list this week! (and there were also a couple of praises in there)
    it's hard to believe that we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving this time next week. We have so much to be thankful for!!
    love ya


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24