Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prayerful Thursday

I have a HUGE prayer request.
Please, please pray for our church.
We are currently without a pastor, and our Pastor Search Committee is seeking God's guidance in finding the man He wants to lead us.

Other prayer requests:

1. Mr. David

Mr. David is having a lot of problems with his back.

2. Ms. Sue Jane

Ms. Sue Jane had a heart attack and is in the hospital.

3. Ms. Lillian

Ms. Lillian will be having cataract surgery.

4. Ms. Ruby

Ms. Ruby had a procedure on her back because of stress fractures.

5. Mr. Cecil

Mr. Cecil had a heart attack.

6. Family of Faye Winstead

Ms. Winstead passed away over the weekend.

7. Miss Tracy

Miss Tracy will be going to Vanderbilt to have a heart condition checked.

8. Ms. Betty

The doctors are trying to determine the cause of Ms. Betty's pain.

9. Ms. Clara

Ms. Clara had some tests this week and has to go to the doctor for possible gall bladder problems.

10. Kenny and Adam Stiles

Kenny will be having heart surgery sometime this month.

His Dad, Adam, hurt his hand and arm and is undergoing therapy.

11. Mr. Glen

Please continue to keep our brother-in-law in your prayers for a heart procedure he had done last week.

12. Family of Patrick Bradbury

This is the little 4 year old boy who drowned on Sunday. His great grandparents live next door to our sister and brother-in-law. Please click here to see a video of an interview with his parents.

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24